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June 16, 2023 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


Many sources now claim that this Transgender “mania” sweeping the country has become America’s new “Religion” and it requires we “bow down” to its creed or face being “cancelled”. 

The Transgender Theology is based on the doctrine that you can be your own God and decide what gender you want to be.  This is a Big Lie and any first year Biology Student knows that you can mutilate your body, attempt to attach new body parts, change your wardrobe, infuse any and all manner of chemicals and do anything else you can think of but, at the end of the day you cannot change your DNA or your basic biology.

California seems to have been especially infected and on the verge of complete capitulation to the Transgender Cult “Holy” ordinances.  There is now pending in the State Legislature legislation that would criminalize as a felony, any parental “interference” in the gender transition of a child by pharmaceutical or surgical means.  In other words, if the parent of a minor child tries to prevent the castration or mutilating of their own child they can face being charged as a felon and possible prison time.

If this legislation passes and, as a parent, your Johnny or Mary has a Transgender Activist and predator grade school teacher who convinces the little nine year old that they would be happier by changing gender, this teacher can “make it happen” without parental consent or “interference” under penalty of California law.  You see, California has previously created a law that says they have jurisdiction over minor children in the state.  Put another way, your children are property of the State of California in legal and health matters and they consider “Gender Care” a matter under their jurisdiction.  Puberty Blockers, Castration, Mastectomies, whatever it takes, the State of California would have final say, not parents.

I am horrified by this and the thought of placing our most precious and vulnerable children in the hands of a teacher or bureaucrat with a “New Religion” agenda to make permanent and life altering changes in their lives makes me sick and angry beyond words. 

I am hearing and seeing in the news that other states are working on or considering similar legal positions.  If we want this horror to stop, all of us must confront our legislators and elected officials as well as local school boards and demand that they not prey on our children.  We must do it fearlessly, tirelessly and consistently.  Class action lawsuits could be a method of deterrence as well as punitive lawsuits for damages against individual “groomers”, “activists” and “predators”. 

Our children are our most precious asset and bond with the future.  If you agree with this article, share it with as many others as possible including the above mentioned legislators, elected officials and school boards.  Do it now.  In some places tomorrow may already be too late for the damage they are causing.

Image result for children are not a distraction cs lewis


“It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.”  Luke 17:2

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Bob Bandy – June 2023


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